오픽에서 토스로 넘어 와서 공부하는 PART 4...
가장 많이 나오는 일정표와 이력서 편을 정리해 보았습니당
• on 날짜 in 장소 at 시간
• have a meeting
• lead a discussion
• teach / take a class / course
• attend a seminar / conference / tour
• flight number ### (flight 123이라고 써있으면 읽을 때, flight number one, two, three)
• you have to register by 날짜.
[ 일정표 ]
1. a seminar on 주제 (given by) is schduled in 날짜 at 시간
2. there will be a seminar on 주제 in 날짜 at 시간.
3. 사람 will give a presentation on 주제 in 날짜 at 시간.
• the conference will be held from 시간 to 시간.
• you are going to have a meeting on 주제 at 시간.
• there are 2 scheduled sessions given by 사람.
• you are going/scheduled/supposed to ~.
• actually, there is supposed to be a 세션 at 시간 but, it has been canceled.
• it has been postponed to /rescheduled for next Friday.
• the presentations are scheduled in the afternoon.
• lunch is scheduled in the employee cafeteria.
[ 이력서 ]
• she got a bachelor's degree in 전공 from 학교 in 년도.
• he has 2 different kinds of work experience. (과거부터!)
- she worked at 회사 as a 직책 from 년도 to 년도.
- she has been working at 회사 as a 직책 since 년도.
• I think she/he is qualified because
- fluent in 언어
- has experience in 분야
- has a certification in 자격증
- received an award in 상
• 사람, the 직책 / 사람 from 직장명
• for the 직군 position
• a total of 2 applicants will be interviewed for the manager position.
• there are 2 applicants who worked/used to work at 회사.
1. we will interview 사람 for 직군.
2. 사람 who is applying for 직군 will be interviewed at 시간.
3. there will be an interview with 사람 who is applying for 직군.
• there is an early bird registration, you can get a $20 discount if you sign up before 날짜.
• fortunately, you will not miss anything. Because the seminar will finish at 시간.
• there will be no problem, because the classes will finish at 시간.
• fortunately, your first appointment is scheduled at 시간 so, you can ~ on 날짜.
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